Altaic Society of Korea welcomes submissions of scholarly papers, which make a fresh contribution to the field of Altaic Studies, for Altai Hakpo No. 24 that will be issued on 30 June, 2014. Papers are invited in any area of Altaic studies in general, but should follow the format of one of style sheets in the compressed file attached according to the language in the body as follows:
English etc.: StyleSheet_of_AH_for_Eng.etc.docx
Chinese: StyleSheet_of_AH_for_Chi.docx
Japanese: StyleSheet_of_AH_for_Jap.docx

We recommend that papers be written in English for a wider range of readership. For further details of agreements and guidelines etc., please refer to the webpage
The publication schedule for Altai Hakpo No. 24 is as follows:

Deadline for submission of papers: 31 March, 2014
Review of papers: 1 April ~ 30 April, 2014
Editing papers: 1 May ~ 20 June, 2014
Publication of the Journal: 30 June, 2014.

Finally, we request contributors send their paper with its pdf version for reference.