Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the Seoul International Altaistic Conference (SIAC) 2021. It will be held virtually on ZOOM on July 16-17, 2020. 30 scholars from 8 countries will read 26 papers for the two-day conference. The first sessions will start at 12:00 pm Korea Standard Time, considering the time difference between the countries of the participants. We hope that this event will be a valuable opportunity to share and stimulate research on Altaic studies. Please find attached the conference programme.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Best regards,
Organizing committee of SIAC 2021
The Altaic Society of Korea

2021 SIAC Program


DATES: 16 ~ 17 July, 2021 (GMT+9:00)


VENUE: Online ZOOM Meeting

16 July :

17 July :


Day 1 (Friday, 16 July)



Moderator: CHOE Gyeyeong (Seoul National University)

SONG Jaemog (President, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

Welcoming address



Moderator: YAMAKOSHI Yasuhiro (ILCAA, TUFS)


12:10 GEKA Aoi (Kyoto University / JSPS Research Fellow DC)

The status of the Alasha dialect of Mongolian within Mongolic as analyzed through velar obstruents

12:30 Munkh-Amgalan YUMJIR (Orkhon University)

Д.Равжаагийн Цаасан шувуузохиолын нэгэн гар бичмэлд хийсэн баймж утгын задлал [An analysis of early modern Mongolian mood and modality as expressed in a manuscript of Danzan Rawjaa’s “The Kite”]

12:50 UETA Naoki (Hokuyo University)

Phonological structure of /g/ in Mongolic languages


13:10 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


13:20 BREAK TIME (for 10 minutes)


Moderator: UETA Naoki (Hokuyo University)


13:30 SIQIN (Minzu University of China)

八思巴文语料情态初探 [A study on the modality of Phags-pa text]

13:50 Benjamin BROSIG (University of Bern)

Evidentiality in Deedmongol


14:10 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


14:20 BREAK TIME (for 20 minutes)




Moderator: PARK Sangchul (Seoul National University)


14:40 NAKAMI Tatsuo (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

北海道大学図書館所蔵満洲語公文書史料について [On the rare Manchu historical materials at the Library of the Hokkaido University]

15:00 BAEK Sangyub (Muroran Institute of Technology)

Purposive clause-marking strategy in Tungusic from the perspective of areal linguistics

15:20 DO Jeongup (Seoul National University)

Phonemic status of i and ū in Written Manchu vowel harmony


15:40 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


15:50 BREAK TIME (for 20 minutes)




Moderator: EBATA Fuyuki (Niigata University)


16:10 Albina DOBRININA (Institute of Philology SB RAS)

Интонационные паттерны алтайских вопросов с местоимением не что’ [Intonation patterns of Altai questions with the pronoun ne ‘what’]

16:30 Iraida Yakovlevna SELYUTINA (Institute of Philology SB RAS)

Специфика фонотактических закономерностей в саяно-алтайских тюркских языках [The specifics of phonotactic patterns in the Altai-Sayan Turkic languages]

16:50 SUGANUMA Kentaro (Kanazawa University) & Jakshylyk AKMATALIEVA (Niigata University)

Phonological differences in manner alternation between Kazakh and Kyrgyz


17:10 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


17:20 BREAK TIME (for 10 minutes)


Moderator: KOGURA Norikazu (ILCAA, TUFS)


17:30 Andrew SHIMUNEK (Woosong University)

The multilingual early korean states of Silla, Kara (Kaya), and Paekche: Han (Koreanic), Puyǒ, and contact with Serbi-Mongolic, Manchu-Tungusic, Chinese, Nivkh, and others

17:50 Michal SCHWARZ (Masaryk University)

Spread of the title khagan / khan and related forms in languages of Inner Asia


18:20 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


Day 2 (Saturday, 17 July)


Moderator: KANG Hijo (Chosun University)



Moderator: JIN Hui (Harbin Normal University)


12:00 WANG Lizhen (Minzu University of China)


[The narrative expression of Manchu language in Manchu folk literature]

12:20 YIN Tiechao (Heilongjiang University) & FANG Xiangyu (Qiqihar University)

通古斯语副动词与不定式动词范畴比较研究 [A comparative study of Tungusic secondary verb and infinitive categories]

12:40 AN Yingji (Yunnan Minzu University)

東國正韻蒙古字韻韻書 성격에 대하여 [The comparison of research method about phonological system to Dongguk Jeongun and Menggu Ziyun]


13:00 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


13:10 BREAK TIME (for 20 minutes)




Moderator: BAEK Sangyub (Muroran Institute of Technology)


13:30 EBATA Fuyuki (Niigata University)

Nominal compounds in Sakha (Yakut): Difference of conceptual possessive and referential possessive

13:50 Nadezhda VINOKUROVA (Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North)

Comparing the passive-causative ambiguity in Sakha and Korean


Subjectivity in Tyvan narration


14:30 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


14:40 BREAK TIME (for 20 minutes)




Moderator: Arzhaana SYURYUN (ILCAA, TUFS/ILS RAS)


15:00 Darima Sh. KHARANUTOVA (Banzarov Buryat State University)

Buryat words formed from phraseological units, as a result of inter-level relations

15:20 Elena A. DADUEVA (Banzarov Buryat State University)

Конструкции с пермиссивным значением как протототипические сдвиги в концепте каузативность в бурятском языке [On the lexicographical description of Buryat causative verbs]

15:40 Babasan Dorzhievich TSYRENOV (Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of SB RAS)

Выражение эмоции «доброта» в бурятском языке [Expression of emotion "kind" in the Buryat language]

16:00 Anna Timurovna ABAEVA (Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of SB RAS)

Lexico-semantic analysis of adjectives with the meanings "thick" and "thin" in the Buryat and Korean languages [Лексико-семантический анализ прилагательных со значениями «толстый» и «тонкий» в корейском и бурятском языках]


16:20 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)


16:30 BREAK TIME (for 20 minutes)




Moderator: DO Jeongup (Seoul National University)



Evidentiality and Perspective management in narrative discourse: A comparative study among Sibe, modern Uyghur, and Tuvan

17:10 PARK Sangchul (Seoul National University)

Diachronic change of Manchu verbal suffix -rA

17:30 SHIM Jaehong (Seoul National University)

On the Spoken Manchu complementizer gəm


17:50 DISCUSSION (for 10 minutes)