ROBBEK, G.V.. (2008). Sakha, Ėven and Tungusic-Manchurian Linguistic Parallels. Altai Hakpo 18: 1-9. The Altaic Society of Korea.

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is one of the largest regions of the Russian Federation, where the representatives of almost all the languages entering into the genetic commonality of Altaic languages, live in harmony. This is a good foundation for the linguists who work at proving the genetic commonality of the Altaic languages. 

In the history of studying the Altaic languages, one of major places belongs to the Russian linguists. The works of the great researchers – Castrén, V.I. Tsintsius, O.P. Sunik, U.Sh. Boichur and many others – are well-known. Once they worked in close contact with the foreign Altaists such as G. Ramstedt, N. Poppe, K. Menges, G. Doerfer, et al. The solid theoretical and practical basis was created by the joint efforts of the Altaists of that time. 

At present, in the comparative historical research of languages, the Altaic studies have one of major places. The Tungusic-Manchurian and Turkic linguistic facts, which were insufficiently investigated before, are studied intensively. 

The preliminary analysis of our field research in the Ėven and Sakha languages show that the researchers, who considered the Altaic studies to be a genetic commonality of languages, were right.

Keywords: language, Altaic, linguistics, commonality, research.