The Altaic Society of Korea
2 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), 현대 할하몽골어의 현대 한국어 차용 소고, 유원수(서울대) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:24
YU, Wonsoo. 2013. Some remarks on Modern Korean loan words in Modern Khalkha Mongolian. Altai hakpo 23. 111-126. The Altaic Society of Korea. Since the Republic of Korea and Mongolia established diplomatic relations on March 26, 1990, mutual...  
1 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), The names for dog in the modern Turkic languages, LI Yong-Sŏng (Seoul National University) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:25
LI, Yong-Sŏng. 2013. The names for dog in the modern Turkic languages. Altai hakpo 23. 191-224. The Altaic Society of Korea. The Turkic languages and dialects are spoken across a vast area from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean to Siberia...  
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