The Altaic Society of Korea
10 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), 18세기 몽골어 魚名 考察(1) -河魚類를 중심으로-, 최형원(단국대) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:25
CHOI, Hyong-won. 2013. A study of Mongolian fish names (1): Focused on sea fishes. Altai hakpo 23. 127-148. The Altaic Society of Korea. Fish names of Mongolian lexicology as a field of study received little attention in the past. It has bec...  
9 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), 清世宗谥宝之满文篆字研究, 黄锡惠(黑龙江大学满族语言文化研究中心) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:24
HUANG, Xi-hui. 2013. Research on Zhuan characters on Qing Shi Zong’s posthumous imperial jade seals. Altai hakpo 23. 79-87. The Altaic Society of Korea. 32 Styles of Manchu Zhuan Characters was created after Chinese 32 Zhuan Characters in Ye...  
8 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), 聖諭廣訓의 만주어 연구, 김주원(서울대) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-26 08:59
KIM, Juwon. 2013. Manchu language in the Manchu editions of Shengyuguangxun (聖諭廣訓). Altai hakpo 23. 45-67. The Altaic Society of Korea. This paper investigates various editions of Shengyuguangxun (聖諭廣訓; Enduringge tacihiyan be neilem...  
7 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013), 同文類解 만주어의 한글 표기, 고동호(전북대) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:23
KO, Dongho. 2013. Hangeul writing of Manchu in Dongmun yuhae. Altai hakpo 23. 23-44. The Altaic Society of Korea. This paper aims to examine the methods of writing Manchu words in the Korean letter, Hangeul, in Dongmun yuhae published in 174...  
6 Vol. 23 Altai Hakpo 23 (2013) Segmental OCP in Manchu syllables - KANG, Hijo (Seoul National Univ.) file
2013-08-06 2013-09-12 20:22
KANG, Hijo. 2013. Segmental OCP in Manchu syllables. Altai hakpo 23. 1-22. The Altaic Society of Korea. This paper investigates the OCP effect in Manchu syllables: two consonants with identical place of articulation tend not to appear in the...  
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