KO, Dongho. 2013. Hangeul writing of Manchu in Dongmun yuhae. Altai hakpo 23. 23-44. The Altaic Society of Korea.

This paper aims to examine the methods of writing Manchu words in the Korean letter, Hangeul, in Dongmun yuhae published in 1748. The Manchu language was generally written in its own letter or Chinese characters, but sometimes also in other scripts. Dongmun yuhae is the earliest book among the extant manchu ones in which the Manchu language is written in Hangeul. In this paper, I examined the bibliographical characteristics and composition of this book in the first. Secondly, I analysed methods of writing Manchu words in Hangeul, based on the forms in Manchu dictionaries which were published earlier than Dongmun yuhae. As a result, I found out that almost all the Manchu words in the book had their sources from early Manchu dictionaries, and words in Hangeul are easily transformed into those in Manchu letters, due to principles of correspondences of them and use of diacritic marks. 

Keywords: Hangeul, Manchu, syllable, diacritical mark, Sayeogwon, Dongmun yuhae (同文類解), Qingwenjian (淸文鑑), Daqing quanshu (大淸全書), Tongwen Guanghui (同文廣彙)