KIM, Juwon. 2013. Manchu language in the Manchu editions of Shengyuguangxun (聖諭廣訓). Altai hakpo 23. 45-67. The Altaic Society of Korea.

This paper investigates various editions of Shengyuguangxun (聖諭廣訓; Enduringge tacihiyan be neileme badarambuha bithe in Manchu; first published in 1724), including the Manchu edition, the Manchu-Chinese edition, the Manchu-Mongol edition, the Manchu-Mongol-Chinese edition, and the Chinese edition. A special focus is given on the Manchu-Chinese edition that was newly discovered in the Seoul National University (SNU) Central Library. On its bibliographical side, I show that the book in SNU collection is different from the typical Manchu-Chinese editions found in the other libraries, in that the interlinear Chinese translation was added later at the time of reprinting in order to satisfy the needs of monolingual Chinese readers. On its linguistic characteristics, I demonstrate how the Manchu language has been modified by means of a thorough comparison of the different editions. The reason
for modification is mainly attributed to the standardization of the Manchu language that was carried out in compliance with the edict by the Emperor Qianlong issued in approximately 1750. 

Keywords: Shengyuguangxun, Enduringge Tacihiyan, standardization of the Manchu language, Manchu edition, Manchu-Mongol edition, Manchu-Chinese edition, Manchu-Mongol-Chinese edition, modification of the Manchu language