HUANG, Xi-hui. 2013. Research on Zhuan characters on Qing Shi Zong’s posthumous imperial jade seals. Altai hakpo 23. 79-87. The Altaic Society of Korea.

32 Styles of Manchu Zhuan Characters was created after Chinese 32 Zhuan Characters in Year 13 of the Qianlong Dynasty, and 10 of them were used in the Royal Seals side by side with their corresponding Chinese Zhuan Characters. The Manchu Yuzhu Zhuan on Posthumous Imperial Jade Seals exemplified such application, but some errors like false variation, fabrication, hodgepodge, dislocation, and deficiency of letters appeared on the seals of emperors and empresses and those of the officials. This paper identifies and investigates the mistakes and irregularities of Zhuan Characters on two Qing Shi Zong’s posthumous imperial jade seals. These errors are neither accidental nor individual. According to this study, similar errors appear in varying degrees in almost all posthumous jade seals of the emperors and empresses in successive Qing Dynasties. The study reveals that Manchu Zhuan Characters were not standardized even in Qing Dynasty; therefore further studies of Manchu Zhuan Characters deserve more attention. 

Keywords: Manchu Zhuan Characters, Qing Shi Zong, Posthumous Imperial Jade Seals, Mistakes and Irregularities