YU, Wonsoo. 2013. Some remarks on Modern Korean loan words in Modern Khalkha Mongolian. Altai hakpo 23. 111-126. The Altaic Society of Korea.

Since the Republic of Korea and Mongolia established diplomatic relations on March 26, 1990, mutual understanding of the two peoples has broadened in width and intensified in depth. As a consequence of this favorable situation, many Korean words came into existence in Modern Mongolian language spoken in Mongolia, that is Modern Khalkha. These words include many interesting linguistic, cultural, and socio-political phenomena which are worth being studied. 
This paper therefore tries to open the research on these phenomena by introducing these words in Modern Khalkha Mongolian into the study of Mongolian language. Observation is to be made on the various words spoken in formal and informal speeches such as the articles in the internet version of the Mongolian newspapers (including comments on them) and texts in twitter talks. As a result, following groups of words are found and discussed.

a) Words for Korean foods and food material
b) Reference or address words in Korean
c) Titles of the Korean nation
d) Some curse words

Certain words which are well known only to some Mongolian people may be discussed in other paper of the author, or by some other scholars in the future: They are some places names in Korea, brand and merchandise names of the Korean companies, names of the characters of the Korean TV dramas, derivation words and expressions from those names of the drama characters. Loan translation from Korean will be discussed after the collection of the enough research material.

Keywords: Modern Korean words, Modern Khalha, internet version, formal & informal speeches, plural suffixes