KIM Juwon. 2012. Manchu and Mongol books in the library of Seoul National University. Altai hakpo 22. 1-28. The Altaic Society of Korea.

This work aims to introduce Manchu and Mongol books located in Seoul National University’s Central Library. The majority of these books were collected during the Japanese Occupation Period by Seoul National University's predecessor Keijou Imperial University. This work presents 45 books found in the library organized by year acquired and details the circumstances of their procurement. The work also contains a simple bibliography and description of the documents. Although the collection is not vast, it has the benefit of containing both “Han i araha manju gisun i buleku bithe (御製淸文鑑)” and “Ice foloho manju nikan hergen i ši ging (新刻滿漢字詩經)”, not found in any other library. Also of value is “Manchu Chinese Funeral Oration (滿漢文祭文)”, which was used during the closing years of the Ching dynasty at or around 1908 CE.

Keywords: Seoul National University Library, Keijou Imperial University, Manchu Books, Mongol Books, Chinese Classical Literatures, Translation