KIM JuwonㆍKO DonghoㆍCHONG Chemun. (2009). On Manchu Translations of Book of OdesAltai Hakpo19: 1-30. The Altaic Society of Korea.

This paper deals with the translations of Shijing (詩經) into Manchu in three kinds of books, that is, the Han i araha ši ging ni bithe (御製詩經) (1654), the Ice foloho manju nikan hergen i ši ging (新刻滿漢字詩經) (publication date unknown), and the Irgebun i nomun (詩經) (1768). Throughout the Ice foloho manju nikan hergen i ši ging which is in Seoul Natinal University library’s collection, Manchu texts were corrected with handwriting in red ink. In the first place, we established that the corrections were almost entire copies of Manchu translations in the Irgebun i nomun. These corrections were made because the printed Manchu translations in theIce foloho manju nikan hergen i ši ging which had been copies of the Han i araha ši ging ni bithe were revised greatly in the Irgebun i nomun. Secondly, we discussed the differences between aspects of Manchu translations in the Han i araha ši ging ni bithe and the Irgebun i nomun, dividing them into those in orthography, corrections of Chinese words and pronunciation of Chinese characters, differences of interpretation, corrections of onomatopoetic words, adjustment of prosody, and making corrections of the meanings close to the original text.

Keywords: Shijing (詩經), Manchu, Translation, The Han i araha ši ging ni bithe (御製詩經), TheIce foloho manju nikan hergen i ši ging (新刻滿漢字詩經), The Irgebun i nomun (詩經)