SEONG Baeg-in, CHONG Chemun, KIM Juwon, KO Dongho. (2008). A Study on Xylographic Editions of Yuzhi Qingwenjian (御製淸文鑑). Altai Hakpo 18: 31-57. The Altaic Society of Korea.

The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and relations of the editions of Yuzhi Qingwenjian (御製淸文鑑) (hereafter YQ). Through examination and comparison of several editions of YQ, we discovered that there are the following 3 kinds of YQ:

   (1) YQ in the library of Seoul National University,
   (2) YQ in the library of Kyoto University etc.,
   (3) YQ in the library of Liaoning Province, etc. 

   Edition (1) and (2) are supposed to be the first original ones, of which (2) is slightly revised one. Edition (3) is completely revised and authorized one.

Keywords: Yuzhi Qingwenjian (御製淸文鑑), the Manchu language, Dictionary, xylographic editions, the first authorized orthography of Manchu