SHIN Yong-Kwon. (2009). A Study on the Han’eryanyu reflected in LaoqidaAltai Hakpo 19: 185-213. The Altaic Society of Korea.

Laoqida(老乞大) were very popular Mandarin textbooks that had been in use at latest before the fifteenth century and their revised versions, each with slight revisions, were published; therefore, they also constitute very valuable historical data for the study of the Chinese language. This paper primarily attempts to investigate the Modern Chinese characteristics reflected in Laoqida(老乞大). The content of Jiulao(舊老) suggests that they have been written at the time of the Yuan Dynasty and that the language of Jiulao(舊老), Fanlao(飜老),Fanpiao(飜朴) reflect the Chinese characteristics in the period of Yuan Dynasty. In this period, groups of speakers of Chinese and Altaic languages came into contact, there were several changes in the lexical system and syntactic structure of Modern Chinese. This Chinese characteristics is called a Han’eryanyu(漢兒言語). In the other versions published in the 18th century, this characteristics had all vanished. For scholars investigating the interaction between Modern Chinese and Altaic languages, Laoqida(老乞大) provide important information about what the language was like at that time.

Keywords: Laoqida(老乞大), Han’eryanyu(漢兒言語), Yuan Dynasty, Modern Chinese, Altaic languages