알타이학보19호(2009) Мифы в эпосе «Джангар» - Николай Цеденович БИТКЕЕВ (Kalmyk State University, Russia)

BITKEEV, N.Ts. (2009). Myths in Epos  Djanghar.  Altai Hakpo 19: 71-85. The Altaic Society of Korea.

The article considers the research of the myths in the epos Djanghar. The author analyzes the origin of the myths on flora and 

fauna, anthropomorphous creatures, all aspects that characterize philosophy of the ancestors of the Kalmyks. Taking into  consideration that initial part of the epos “Djanghar” is a mythological plot it should be considered that the archaisms in the epos direct indicate epos age, time of its origin. Research of the myths in folklore present great possibilities for the specialists in analysis of linguistic peculiarities of the epos that will be helpful in translation process of the epos in other ethnic languages.

Keywords: epos, myths, plot, folklore tradition