SIAC 2015
The 12th Seoul International Altaistic Conference
July 17~18, 2015, Seoul National University, Korea
The Altaic Society of Korea is pleased to announce the 12th Seoul International Altaistic Conference, which will be held at Seoul National University in Korea on July 17~18, 2015. The conference aims at stimulating worldwide research on Altaic studies. Scholars who are concerned with any area of Altaic studies including languages, literature, history, or cultures of Altaic peoples would be welcomed. Presentations will be 20 minutes long, with 10 minutes following for discussion. Participants could register for the conference, using the registration form.
The registration form is also
available from Google Docs, where you can register on-line.
- (SIAC 2015 Online Registration Site)
Submission of proposals:
● The official languages of the conference are Korean,
English, Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.
● Proposals should include the following information:
title of paper, author name, academic affiliation, address, phone and fax
number, e-mail, and abstract.
● Abstracts should have no longer than 400 words,
excluding bibliographical references and illustrations, and not exceed two
● Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format
(.doc or .docx) in 12-point Times New Roman with margins of at least one inch.
● Proposals should be submitted by email to
as an attachment.
Important dates:
● December 15, 2014 : Deadline for
abstract submission
● January 31, 2015 : Notification of acceptance
● June 10, 2015:
Deadline for registration and full
paper submission
● July 16, 2015: Arrival and reception
● July 17~18, 2015: Conference
● July 19, 2015: Academic tour (optional), Departure
The Organizing Committee of SIAC 2015
The Altaic Society of Korea